Westöstlicher Redaktionswalzer in F-sharp Major
This is one of Hensel’s later childhood compositions, written in 1826. This piece was “published” in the September 13th, 1826 edition of the Gartenzeitung or “Garden Times,” a newspaper assembled by the Mendelssohn siblings (which in the winter was named the Schnee-und Thee-Zeitung, or “Snow and Tea Times”). The paper featured illustrations, poetry, short essays, and witticisms from the siblings, their father, Fanny and Felix’s music teacher Zelter, and other adults in the household. The Zeitung was an example of the children’s idyllic and enriched upbringing, where they played in the garden and created art.
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Page 1 of the September 13, 1826 edition of the Mendelssohn siblings’ “newspaper” Gartenzeitung.
Page 4 of the September 13, 1826 edition of the Mendelssohn siblings’ “newspaper” Gartenzeitung, featuring Fanny’s Westöstlicher Redaktionswalzer (H184).
HenselPushers edition notes:
This work appears in MA Ms. 63,1.